Arrowsmith, McLean County, Illinois
ARROWSMITH NEWS- DECEMBER 10, 1884 VOL. 1 NO. 9 Local Items - The snow has gone - Advertise in the news - A wedding in town soon. - Holiday goods at Lester & Co.'s. - Wm. Brooks is building a new barn. - Miss Edith Fiscuss of Ellsworth, is upon a visit to Miss Cline and Friends. - Thomas Tate moved into the Annie Mills house Tuesday. - Ollie Tucker has returned for a visit to her parents at Champaign. - Dressmaking and stamping a specialty at Katie Mantle's. - Vint Howell is overhauling his barn, putting on an edition, etc. - Howell and Brooks shipped a car of hogs Tuesday evening. - We have not had a social party for a long while. - S. H. West went to Indiana Monday on Business. - Holiday goods are rapidly filling the shelves and counters at our stores. - Always trade with men who advertise. - Mrs. Parker, of Bloomington is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. O.G Athertons. - Joseph Snook smiles and says it is a clodhopper. Also Thomas Irish, both of West Township. - Dont buy a nickel's worth until you have seen Lester & Co's holiday stock. It is immense and at low prices. - Wink Shugloff (Slinghoff-??) was made happy by the arrival of a girl baby Saturday evening. - Wm. Proffitt, of Saybrook, has taken a position in Seth Mills's harness shop as Harness Maker. - Black eyes are scarce in Europe, but not in Arrowsmith. We refer for particulars to the postmaster. - What about the literary ladies? We appeal to the boys no longer- they have no sand. - Did someone say Arrowsmith ought to have a creamery? If so we say amen. - Millinery goods at cost for the next thirty days at Katie Mantle's. - Again we are called upon to chronicle a young Clevlandite that arrived at the home of Chas. Umpstattd (?) Saturday Night. - R. S. Krum attended the Brett- Krum wedding at Bloomington saturday. The bride was a niece of theirs. - The biggest, cleanest and most valuable stock of holiday goods in the country is to be found at G F. Lester & Co.'s. - If, as the saying goes, the first three days of the month of December rule the winter, we are to have a remarkable pleasant winter. - A racket occurred between a business man and a young lady about some boys fighting. As usual the woman got the best of it, as the tongue was all the weapon used. - At the election of officers of the I.O.O.F. Last Wednesday evening the following officers were elected: R. S. Krum, N.G.; T. A. Banks, V.G.; J. A. Larimer, Sec'y; Wm. Spencer, Treas;, and R.S. Krum, Sabina Sackett, Wm. Spencer, F.C. Ashby and J. A. Larimer, Trustee's. The lodge is in a flourishing condition. - Arrowsmith boasts of two restaurants and two meat markets. - G.W. Richey has purchased a lot in Bloomington. We have not learned whether he expects to go there to reside or not. - Grant Mantle has erected a new smoke-stack for the elevator, made of sheet-Iron. What Grant cant do in the tinner's line no one else need try. - Geo. Hatch's sale went off finely, the things bringing a good price, especially the live stock. D. Craig did all the talking. - T.W. Maurice has given up his intention of moving to Nebraska, and will remain here and run the harness shop and feed stable. He will go out in February to remain a while looking after his land there. - The Blain and Logan pole that stood so stately in our midst was cut down Monday morning. It was so slender it was thought best to cut it down before it fell on some of the surrounding buildings. - Howell and Brooks shipped a car of hogs last Friday. Among the lot were nine that were purchased of W. V. TRUE that averaged 450 pounds each. Who says that Arrowsmith Township can't raise large hogs. - The following officers have been elected by W. H. Harvey Post, No. 15 , G.A.R. A.B. Brenaman, Com; Wm. Spencer, S.V. Com; Geo. Ullmer, Q.M. They say they will be mastered in the first Thursday in January after full moon. Full attendance is desired. ---- T.A. Banks, Adjt. - The best Satisfied man found in Arrowsmith is Pratt, the harness maker. He reports a good trade and a better prospect. We learn that it is the quality of the work, together with his reasonable prices for the same, that is winning for him in the midst of dull times a business, If you need anything in his line or any repairing you will find him happy to wait on you and able to make or mend anything that is made of leather. FROM THE TOWN OF PLAINVIEW - Alf Shaw and wife, from near Sibley, were visiting relatives in our neighborhood last week, and while they were here Enos Arbogast killed the fatted turkey, called his sons and daughters together, and feasted and rejoiced exceedingly in mutual conversation, pleasantly rehearsing the good times and jovial occurrences that took place before they were married asunder. - George Hatch's sale took place Tuesday. He says he is going west, to Nebraska perhaps. His friends wish him success financially, physically and matrimonially. - Word received from Hosea Reid, now in Sacremento, CA, states that he has secured a situation in an extensive establishment there and is doing well. - Alfred Frankenberger and wife of Ellsworth visited at Enos Arbogast's last Wednesday. - John Reid is buying corn at Saybrook. He also figures as a coal merchant in that village. - Frank Moore was suffering from a severe cold last week, which almost got him down but he is now convalescing. FROM THE TOWN OF ELLSWORTH - Mr. M Richardson received a kick from one of his horses one day last week, which will keep him confined to his house for some time as the injury in quite painful. - Charles Edward's has returned from the vicinity of Paxton, where he has been employed ditching for (?). - A team belonging to Robert Lowrey broke loose from their fastening on Saturday night and caused a considerable amount of mud to fly, but were captured before any damage was done. Moral: Do not leave your team out in a storm if it can possibly be avoided. - There was an exodus to Bloomington from this place on Tuesday, Cause, work of the last grand Jury. Forty-six subpoenas from here. This is the case of People vs. Allen Danlap. - Miss Ida Edwards and Miss Emma Cline, from Arrowsmith visited here over Saturday. Arrowsmith NEWS- August 19, 1885 ARROWSMITH A few of her advantages, Business Houses and general description Arrowsmith is situated twenty miles east of Bloomington on the L.E & W. Railroad. Arrowsmith Township is free from debt- no railroad bonds or school debt to pay. It is one of the best townships in the state; land just rolling enough and not too much. The farmers mostly own their land and are a thrifty well-to-do class of people, and as friendly and kindhearted as one often meets. Arrowsmith town is in about the centre of the township and has some three hundred and fifty inhabitants. The town is supplied with excellent water, which is found about twenty feet from the surface. The houses are all of a substantial nature and some of the residences are quite pretty with their decorated lawns in front. There is an excellent school here, consisting of two rooms, the high school being presided over for the last year and this by Prof. F. H. Lorimer, a teacher of acknowledged power of conveying the thoughts of power to the pupils. The primary room the coming year will be presided over by Miss Nettie Hileman who is just the one to take charge of the smaller pupils. Our people are religious, there being three churches erected, but other denominations are represented. The M.E. Church has for its pastor Rev J. Everly; the U.B. Church, Rev. Mosler, and the Christian church Rev Lindsley. All three churches are strong working churches and are well supported. There are two public halls, Wycoff's and Webber's. The first is the largest and perhaps the best and used the most. It holds a large audience and is easy of access. There are several grain buyers and the following are among the principals ones: Thos. Clarey, J.W. Cundiff, Wycoff and Hougham, John Dutsch, A. H. Weber, Goddard and Son and R.S. Krum. More Grain is handled here in one year than any town of twice its six on the L.E. and W. railroad; and right here let us say there is no better or accommodating agent or operator to the found on any railroad than is the one here, Mr. Frank Cowan. He has been here several years, and seems to give universal satisfaction. R.S Krum The first Business house on South Main street is that of R.S. Krum. He keeps lumber, hardware and groceries and is doing a thriving business. He keeps as clerk Mr. Roush, a gentleman of good business tact that has made him many friends during his stay here. Mr. Krum is one of the first business men Arrowsmith ever had, and by his push and energy has succeeded in getting a trade that any firm might be envious of. Commercial House Opposite side of the street we find the only hotel, the Commercial House under the management of Miss Willy. We are told she is running things in first-class order and understands all parts of hotel running. She also is running the Commercial house at Saybrook. The hotel here is large, airy, and an attractive place for those wishing a place to stop at. Post Office The first house on the north side of the railroad on Main street is the only government office in the township, the post office. The office was the first country office in the township to be deposed of an offensive partisan, and W. P. Kirkpatrick, who has labored long and well in the interest of democracy now holds the reigning power and makes a good and efficient post-master. Chas. Hildebrand Chas. Hildebrand recently purchased the pool and billiard hall and restaurant next door north and is running things in good order and making money. Chas is a fine fellow and makes everyone feel welcome who favor him with their patronage. Moyer Bros. Moyer Bros. run a general store next door north. The firm is composed of Chas and John Moyer and two more pleasant business men are rarely dealt with. They keep a stock of general merchandise such as groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes etc. Their store is large and jammed full, but nicely arranged and they endeavor to keep everything that will please their customers. Good goods and low profits is their motto. The boys are enjoying a large trade and it is constantly increasing. Charley also enjoys the title of Notary Public and Town Clerk and does quite an extensive legal practice. The boys always keep their stock full and complete and the latest styles. Katie Mantle Katie Mantle keeps the only millinery shop in town next door and has a good trade. We judge from the looks of her hats that she is a lady of excellent tasted and the ladies appreciate the same by buying quite extensively from her. She always has the latest styles and rarely fails to please her customers. A.H.Webber A. H. Webber, dealer in a stock of general merchandise and grain buyer is next door. This firm have the the largest store room in town and handle a good stock. Harry Webber is chief clerk and is a pleasant young gentleman. They also, in connection with the store handle grain quite extensively. Frank Valmer Across the next corner Frank Valmer keeps a boot and shoe shop, where he does repairing and making of boots and shoes. Dr. Yorke Dr. Yorke has his office next door. The doctor has but recently moved among us but is building a good professional practice. He appears to be a perfectly gentleman who understands his business. Robert Atherton The Inevitable Robert Atherton, keeps his store of drugs and groceries on this side of the street and is the last to the north. Bob, as he is familiarly called, is on of those jolly, good hearted fellows, that one can scarcely help but like and is always ready to receive as well as give a joke. He has a good stitch of groceries and drugs and expects before long to put in a stock of boots and shoes. S. E. Cline On the opposite side of the street we come to the store of S. E. Cline. He keeps dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes and some hardware. He has a good share of patronage and endeavors to please all. His clerks are Melvin Cline and Andrew Horine who are both obliging young men and ready to wait on you at all times. His stock of groceries is large and complete. J. Goddard and Son The grocery firm of J. Goddard and Son come next. Frank Goddard is the son and manager of the store and seems to understand his business thoroughly. This firm has recently purchased the grocery and hardware stock of Wyckoff and Hougham, down the street further and will move their stock of groceries, boots and shoes into the largest store about the 15th of next month. They have a large trade and in their new quarters they expect to have a larger trade, which we have no doubt they will as their is go aheaditiveness to this firm and their motto is Excelsior. T. W Maurice Jr. We next come to the house of T.W. Maurice Jr., who deals in the harness and buggies. He is a No. 1 workman himself and always keeps the best of help. He has trade built up from the confidence people put in his work. He makes everything from a simple strap to the heaviest harness. He carries a good stock of everything for his line and can always supply his customers wants on short notice. He is also a notary public and does some legal business. Wm. Hurt Coming down on the next street, we come to the stable of imported horses of Wm. Hurt. Mr. Hurt is one of the pioneers of this country and of the horse business as well. He deals in Nothing but pure bred horses and his fine Orne is noted all over the country as being hard to beat. He generally keeps from two to four horses and has a fine barn. Howell and Brooke The next lot west brings us to the stable of Howell and Brooke. These gentlemen erected their barn last spring at a cost of several thousand dollars and put three of as good horses in it as they could find after a careful search. Their horses are pronounced by these capable of knowing second to none in the country. They have an excellent barn and planned to ____? the business. Josh Busby is head Clerk. THE ARROWSMITH NEWS- NOVEMBER 11, 1885 VOL 11 NO 4. Local Items: - Henry Maurice spent Sunday with friends at Farmer City - A.J. Preston is happy over the arrival of a fine baby boy. - Fashionable women are the mistakes of creation. - Gloves and Mittens until you cant rest at Moyer Bros. general store - Mrs. C.J Moyer was visiting in Saybrook Saturday. - Mrs. Julia Westover of Kansas is here visiting old friends. - A big line of ladies, misses and children's hose at Moyer Bros. - An egg in Winter is worth two in Summer. - Cash Taylor's Brother of Harrison, MO, is here on a visit to him - Ike Ingle goes to Pana, ILL to start a barber shop as we are informed. - A bouncy baby girl made its way appearance at the home of Wm. Ritter, Monday. - Esq. Barnes arrived home again Saturday with another car of apples. - W.H. Crider has again started a barber shop of his own. Sam is a good one. - Oscar Middleton has moved to town. He occupies the Chat. Major place in the north part of town. - Juo. Hildebrand will sell his personal property and go to Kansas before long. his family will go with him. - Mrs. M. L. Perryman of OHIO is visiting her Brother Wesley Brown and family. - Miss Sadie Michaels of Assumption, has been visiting her relatives of the commercial house this week. - W.H. Crider's old barber shop is now bachelors hall for a couple of young gentlemen. - Teacher's reading circle meets next Thursday at Rilley Hougham's. - Miss Libbie Wiley, of the commercial house, sundayed in Petersburg. - Doc Barnes and wife are at Benjaminville for about three weeks, where he has taken a contract to build a house for his uncle Jno. Covel. - T.W. Maurice has sold the requisite number of harness for another saddle drawing and will give away the saddle Dec. 5 - We'll bet some boy will come up minus a head some day if they still persist in climbing on moving trains. - Mrs. Partee has sold her team of goats and wagon to Master Rolla Simmons, of Saybrook. Price Paid $5.00 which was certainly very cheap. - Maurice and Noll has purchased a fine new sleigh of T.W. Maurice's to use in their delivery stable the coming winter. It is a daisy. - The Musical folks of the town are now under the training of Mrs. Moore, of the U.B. Church and will give the cantata of Jeptha about the holidays if they can get it ready by that time. Something New - 100 cloaks on exhibition at Miss Mantle's millinery rooms, from a childs cloak at 4.50 down to a fine silk garment worth $35.00. This is indeed a new thing in Arrowsmith but no doubt it will be well appreciated by the people. J.M. Burford. - Ike Ingle has sold his barber shop to James Hughs and gave possesion Last Monday. Mr. Hughs is well known here, having lived here several years but of late has been residing in Watseka, IL. He comes recommended as a good barber. - We understand that our friend, Vint Howell, of Arrowsmith is out as a candidate for sheriff of this county.. We hope he may be successful in capturing the nomination as he is perfectly reliable and trustworthy, and much of a gentleman. Vint would poll a big vote in this neck of the woods----saybrook gazette. - If reports are true, and we believe they are for it has been gently whispered to us, the Commercial Houe is to have a new landlord. We do not mean to say the present landlady will vacate, oh, no. She will remain and still be a landlady. Do you catch on? A marriage license, a minister or esquire, a few words spoken, a gentleman says, I will a lady making a response and two in flesh are made one in spirit. - W. H. Crider has moved back into his old shop and engaged Ike Ingle to work for him as Barber. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE - A house and two lots. The house is 10 x 24 with an El 12 x 16. House has seven rooms. Small barn on lots, for terms, etc. Call on or address, Geo. Hileman, Arrowsmith, IL - If the weather is favorable. I will receive this week and from now on fresh oysters direct from Baltimore, Md. which I can sell cheaper at retail than you can get at Bloomington at wholesale. O.G. ATHERTON. - We are informed of the wedding of Henry Hileman, of Mommouth, ILL and Miss Ida Goddard, of this place was solemnized yesterday in Bloomington. They will go on a tour out west and finally settle down on a farm the groom has purchased near Camp Point, Neb. Another of Arrowsmith's fair daughters is again taken from our midst. Congratulations. Report of Plainview School The following is the monthly report of Plainview school, commencing Oct 30, 1885. The following is the average. Advance class----- Willie Arbogast97; Molllie Arbogast 97; Belle Weis 97; Etta Arnett 99; Nora Arnett 96; Lizzie Arbogast 99; Mollie Rodawig 99; Isaac Vanote 96; Intermediate------- Mamie Dement 95; Anna Arbogast 97; Annie Liser 91; Anna Rodawig 97; Willie Hazel 97; Jerry Springstead 96; Henry Leasman 93; Frank Rodawig 94; Jimmie Arnett 95; Kinzy Leasman 92; Hoot Leasman 92. Primary--------Faunie Leasman 87; Eva Springstead 96; Selin Mclevlin 94; Emma Leiser 94; Jessie Dement 94; Sadie Arbogast 96; Melvin Arbogast 95; Willie Leasman 91; Johnie Arbogast 91; Bryant Dall (?) 91. O. Springstead---- Teacher. Arrowsmith, IL News - November 11, 1885 Vol. 4 School Report Report of Arrowsmith schools for the month ending Nov. 6, 1885 Primary-------Number of days taught - 23; number enrolled 39; average daily attendance 30. Those present everyday are Josie Gilbert, Bessie Kerr, Almeda Hileman, Almeda and Rena Kiser, Bertha Crabb, Fanny Michael, Bertha Wyckoff, Harvey Crider, Frank Mantle and Guy Krum ----Nettie Hileman, Teacher Grammar-----Number enrolled, 43; number of days taught, 23; average daily attendance 38. Those present everyday were Lena Krum, Anna Slagle, Grace Goodenough, Ottie Gilbert and Charley Lewis. -----F. H. Lormor- Teacher. Churches: M.E. Church. Preaching every other Sunday at 11 am. Rev J. H. Everly, Pastor Christian Church. Meeting each alternate Lord's Day at 10:30 am--Rev Lindsley Pastor U.B. Church- Preaching every alternate Sunday at 10:30 am and every Sunday evening.- Rev W. B. Mosler Pastor Societies: I.O.O.F Undine Lodge No 570 Meets every Wednesday evening visiting brethren invited to meet with us. J. A. Larimer - Sec'y -----R.S. Krum, N.O. Arrowsmith Lodge No 737 A.F. and A.M. meets on Saturday of each month on or before the full moon. Visitors Welcome ----ESQ. Barnes, W.M ----T.W. Maurice, Sec'y W.H. Harvey Post No 15. G.A.R. meets the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting comrades always welcome. ---A. B. Brenaman, Commander ------T.A. Banks-adjutant ADVERTISEMENT: The OLD RELIABLES- Lewis and Hulbert Wish the people to know that they are still to be found at the OLD STAND, Where they are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing, Wagon Work, etc. Horshoeing and Plow Sharpening a specialty. Old Machines Repaired on Short Notice. We guarantee all our work to give Satisfaction--------- Lewis and Hulbert.
ARROWSMITH NEWS --- JANUARY 7, 1885 VOL. 1 NO. 13 Local Items - Lena Uhner is improving slowly. - Lew Krum sundayed with his folks in Bloomington. - Mrs. Gibson Watkins is quite low with lung fever. - Howell and Brooks ship this week six cars of stock. - A new Saddler at Crabbs. Usual weight. All Happy. - Letta Hull has been on the sick list for the past few days. - Emma Cowan, of Normal, spent Sunday at home here. - Frank Ashby has returned from his visit at Blue Lick, Ind. - D. Barnhart expects to leave for Nebraska in the spring. - S. E. Cline is now without clerk and runs the store alone. - A. C. Jones packed his knapsack and left for Nebraska Thursday. - Lincoln Builta and Melvin Cline returned to Eureka to attend school Last Monday. - Clay West and Frank Hedrick returned to school at Normal Monday Morning. - Frank Kimler Jr., of Farmer City, spent a few days visiting relatives here. - Corn has began to come into market. It is now worth 27 cents in the ear and 28 cents shelled. - Hon. S. H. West left Monday for Springfield to attend the opening session of the Legislature. - Arrowsmith schools opened again Monday with full attendance. Several new pupils were enrolled. - Mrs. Ives was out last week and packed her household goods preparatory to moving to Bloomington. - Amber Campbell has returned from Brown's Landing, Miss where he (?) has resided the last fifteen months. He has come back to stay. - David Barnhart and wife left Tuesday for Nebraska, on a prospecting tour. They will be gone about two weeks and will move in the spring. - The Arrowsmith band gave some very good music at the rink Saturday evening. The boys have got so they can play very well, everything considered. - Chas. Maurice was made happy by the arrival of a new butcher at his home on Monday. Charlie in his joy forgot to charge more than 2 per cent profit for meat on that day. - Mrs. Atherton entertained on New Years Day Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. Gene Hampton, Mrs. Ed Woodard, and Mrs. Parks, all of Bloomington and relatives of Mrs. Atherton. - Wm. Hurt's fine 2 year old Normall that the Dillons took to New Orleans, died en route. Mr. Hurt will not in all probability lose anything, as the understanding was that he should lose nothing should the horse not be returned. - O.G. Atherton, who has been in this place nearly since it came into existence, intends to add to his already complete stock of drugs and medicines a complete new stock of groceries. From what we know of O.G. he will surely make it a success. He will sell for cash and cash only, or its equivalent. - At the Hileman - Builta Wedding, which we referred to last week, there were about fifty presents and an enjoyable time was had. The ceremony took place at high noon Tuesday Dec. 20 and was administered by Elder Vandervort. The young couple went to housekeeping on the groom's farm. We append a partial list of the presents received. Hand Lamp, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Hougham,; Silver Pickle Stand, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Storey; glass set, Mr. and Mrs. Major; Glass butter dish, Mrs. Lobaugh, hanging lamp, Mr. and Mrs. R.S Krum; silver pickle stand, Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Frey. Silver butter dish from the brides parents. Counterpane, Mrs. Joseph Milner;; Pair of Towels, Mr. and Mrs. J. Larimer; one dozen napkins and pair towels, Miss Minnie Miner; one linen tablecloth, Miss Rosa Builta; one dozen napkins and pair towels, Mr. and Mrs. TW Maurice Jr.; one pair towels, Miss Dora Wampler, Mirror, Miss Mary Builta; Toilet set, Mr. and Mrs. DR. Hull. ARROWSMITH NEWS- JANUARY 7 VOL. 1 NO 13 Real Estate Transfers: Jacob Wcoff sold a quarter section of land in Champaign county to John Kreitzer; consideration, 6,400 dollars David Barnhart sold 240 acres in West township to Jacob Wycoff for 10, 600 dollars. PUBLIC SALE: I will offer for sale at the W.H. Cheney estate residence, adjoining Saybrook, one mile south-west on Tuesday Jan 13, 1885, the following described property: 12 head of horses as follows: 5 work horses, 3 spring colts, 1 pony 1 driver, 2 two year old gehllings. 45 head of cattle as follows: 4 yoke of work cattle with yokes and chains, 12 two year old fat steers, 10 two year heffers with calf, 2 two year old bulls, both graded; 3 yearling steers, 3 yearling heifers, 2 spring calves and 4 milch cows. 1 two horse wheat drill, 1 one horse wheat drill, seeder, new; 1 sont wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 truck wagon, 1 lumber wagon, 1 wood twine binder, Reloit binder, Quiney corn planter, sulkey plow: and 72 tooth harrows, Hay ladder, blacksmith and carpenter tools, tongue and tongueless cultivators, work harness, single buggy harness, 1 cowboy's saddle and equipment, 2000 pounds of old Iron. Terms of sale--- all sums of $5 a credit of 11 months, except oxen and fat steers, a credit of four months, purchaser giving note with approved security. 9 per cent. discount on time sales for cash. Sale commences at 10a.m. ---------------Harry Cheney Frank Wheelock- auctioneer. FROM THE CITY OF ELLSWORTH - Chas. Shinkle Sundayed with relatives in Normal. - Miss Mertle Sellman Sundayed in Saybrook with friends. - Dick Reid is visiting relatives in the neighborhood of Crawfordsville, IN - Mrs. Frank Cowan, of Arrowsmith, paid a visit on Monday to friends in Ellsworth. - John Larimer, the genial and ever accommodating post master at Arrowsmith, visited us on Monday. - W. B. Strode sold the hogs that died with cholera on his place to the soap factory at Bloomington. - Sam Stagner has a new arrival at his house. Sam says its a Democrat. Usual Weight. All doing well. - Ellsworth School commenced Monday. Jan 5 after a holiday vacation with a membership of forty scholars. O.J. Condon is Teacher. - Four loads of hogs were shipped from here on Monday to the Union Stock Yards in Chicago. They were shipped by Wirt, Dunning and Stagner. - Blacksmiths report a lively trade in horse shoeing. At C.J. Frenert's shop fifty four shoes were driven on Monday. Joe Burtnett claims a good share of the trade. - The E.L & D. society elected the following officers for the ensuing month. Pres., O.J. Condon; Vice Pres., John Ritch or Kitch (?), Secretary, Miss Della Dunlap; Tresasurer, C. O. Rider. The question for debate next Thursday evening is Resolved that women is entitled to elective franchise Affirmative, C.O. Rider and O.J. Condon; Negative, Chas. Shinkle and Chris Taylor. NEWS FROM THE TOWN OF SOUTH MARTIN - Miss Mattie Ritchie, from Lawndale spent Christmas here. - Miss Jennie Hulva spent Sunday with Miss Anna Bell Ritchie. - Miss Stella Callen, of Bloomington, has been visiting relatives here. - School began Monday in District No 8, after a week and a half vacation. - Some corn is being hauled to market although the roads are very bad. - No Preaching at Plymouth Sunday, on account of Rev. Mosier Being unable to get here. - I suppose we are not to have a literary here this winter. Why Not? Are times too Bad? - Mrs. Sallie Ritchie has gone to Kansas to visit her two sisters, Mrs. Boulware and Mrs. Moore. - To the former correspondent from here, I most humbled beg pardon if I have trespassed this week. - S. E. Cline must have been lost Friday after Christmas as he was away out here and when last seen he was going lightning speed eastward with a Martin Maiden on each side. Take courage S. E.; not many are so Fortunate. --------Estray Gosling reporter for South Martin - For rent: A good sized hall, know as the Union Hall. Centrally located; has splendid stairs easy to get at. Will tease by the single night, month or year. Apply to ------- Seth Mills ADS FROM THE PAPER W. P. Kirkpatrick and Wm. Lobaugh, Arrowsmith, Illinois Crayon Portrait, Oil and Water colors and India Ink Pictures, guaranteed to suit the contractor. Deal with the artist direct from first hand and save thereby the commission you would pay to an agent or copying house. GIVE US A TRIAL. J.A. Larimer, Real Estate, Insurance and Collecting Agent. Lightening and fire Insurance policies written. Any thing in the line of a Notary Public carefully attended to. You can always find me at my office in the post office. RESTAURANT A. Crabb proprietor Meals served at all reasonable hours. Fine Cigars, Candles, Fruits, Nuts, etc, etc,. Second door North of Lester and Co.'s drug Store. Lake Erie and Western Railway. Time Table Trains passs Arrowsmith as Follows: East- New York Express, 3:55 am Local Freight, 6:46 am Express and Mail, 11:20 am Accommodation and Freight 6:30 pm West- Accommodation and Freight, 7:55 am Denver Express and mail, 12:33 am Local Freight, 5:25 am Kansas City Express, 11:15 am -----------F.C. Cowan, Agent AD- NEW MEAT MARKET C.F. MAURICE I HAVE COME TO STAY, and cordially invite you to call at our shop, one door south of Webber's store, where you will always find us ready to serve you with the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork and Mutton. Satisfaction Gauranteed. NORMAN HORSE FOR SALE: I have a two year old Norman, will be three in March, that I offer for sale. He will weigh over 1000 (?) in excellent order and will be sold reasonable. He was sired by Wm. Hurts imported horse, orine. Call us. B. Skeen, Arrowsmith, ILL ARROWSMITH NEWS- APRIL 22, 1885 VOL 1- NO 28. Local Items - Vint Howell has a sink to rent. - The fruit tree man is again in the land. - Miss Katie Mantle was in the city Wednesday. - George Day WAs on the sick list the first of the week. - Ike Ingle, our tonsorial artist, visited in Padua last week. - C. J. Major visited his mother in Bloomington, Tuesday. - A. G. Barnes and wife Sundayed with relatives in Saybrook. - About forty car loads of grain were shipped from here last week. - Geo. Whitaker, Ellsworth's best dude, was in town on Friday. - C.M. Maurice has put out forty acres of oats for Mrs. Sackett. - Dr. M.D. Hull bought the Watkins property of Rice, the patent right man. - Attorney John M. Thompson was in the city Wednesday on Legal Business. - J. Goddard and Son will hereafter buy grain at their store in place of Clara & Payne. - A. Crabb who has been working at harness making in Gibson is home again. - H.R. Spencer of Saybrook, was in town last week visiting the McNutt brothers. - Len Krum, of Bloomington was in town Friday shaking hands with his many friends. - A.G. Barnes qualified as J. P today, filing his bond with the clerk in Bloomington. - Frank Goddard rejoices over the arrival of a fine boy at his home Tuesday Afternoon. - A. Mantle has already sold more agricultural implements than any body in the County. - It looks better for young folks to stand up and sing in Church, than not to sing and sit still. - A. J. Hulbert bought a fine Jersey cow and calf the first of the week, paying $50 for the same. - Wall Paper trimmed free of charge and numberless patterns to select from at O.G. Athertons. - Every one who had any bees, lost more or less last winter and in some cases some lost all they had. - J. Maurice and wife of Marshall county have moved back here and will probably build in town. - Gipson Wadkins (watkins?) traded his property for the right to Rice's (?) Patent Coffee Pot in the state of Nebraska. - Moses Branson is the constable for this township. He is the only. Milton Crossan did not qualify. - Wm. Hurt sold the Buckley Skeen Horse to Dillon Bros. who will send it to Kentucky It was shipped Monday. - Dick Reid was in town Sunday. Inquire on the corner of Crossen and Walnut streets for the time of night he left. - The roads are fearful muddy north and south of town. What a good thing it would be if they could be graveled. - Saybrook elected a temperance board again yesterday by a majority, which averaged four. - Young men from the country should not try to court young ladies from church. Not when their mama's have to bring them. - A meeting will be held in the U.B. Church next Sabbath at 3pm for the purpose of organizing a union temperance Sabbath School. Let everybody go. - Lizzie, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flesher, died Wednesday morning of lung fever. They have the sympathy of their many friends. - Wonder what Pete Rengler's going to do with his new barn. Pete, you had better get lightning rods. Oh! Yes, Finchpaugh would paint it for you. - V.E. Howell called in the tonsorian parlors the other day for a hair cut. He said he wanted a feather edge. The artist run out of hair before he got the job completed. - At the election for school director Saturday, A. H. Webber and A.B. Bransman were chosen. A full vote was polled. - Col. J. T. Long will lecture at the M.E. Church at 10:30 next Sunday. He is reported as an excellent temperance lecturer. - We have it from good source that Jack Payne will receive his commission, and be handing out mail here inside of ten days. - Thos. Clarey is having the old Post office building over-hauled and painted and will in all probablitilty move his scales up there and use it for an office. - We were in error last week in regard to the I.O.O.F Lecture her the 25th by F.M. Huddle. It is only for odd fellows and their friends and not for the general public as stated last week. - John Stipp, the new supervisor for this township, is building a fine residence on his farm, 3 miles south-west of town. McDowell and Barnes contractors. John Gilbert, Mason and plasterer. DIED: Mrs. Oscar Middleton last Tuesday of quick Consumption. They had only moved here from Ohio a short time since but fatal disease was past doing its work, and she died peacefully at her home, surrounded by a loving husband and kind friends. One child is also left an orphan. The bereaved father and child are sympathized with by kind and numerous friends. PUBLIC SALE Having sold my livery and feed stable, I will close out the contents at public sale on Saturday May 22, at 2pm. The following property: one 2 seated top carriage, Mattern Make; 1 good top buggy; same make. 1 fair top buggy, 1 nearly new piano, 4 ox top buggies, 1 good barnes road cart, 1 wagon, 1 gray mare with foul to young, Orne, 2 sets double buggy harness, also my block of pumps and tubing, 1 two seated sleigh, 1 sleigh without body, 2 saddles, 2 good residence lots. Terms of Sale- All sums under $5 cash. Over $5 a credit of 7 months, purchaser giving note with approved security, 8 per cent interest from date if not paid when due. 7 per cent discount for cash. -----T.W. Maurice Jr. J. H. Kirkpatrick FROM THE TOWN OF GREENWOOD - The Sabbath School has changed its hour from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Rev. Rhineh4eart will preach next Sabbath at 4pm. - Miss Laura Spangler who has been living at Mr. Reid's for the last six months, will reside with Mr. Benjamin of Bentown, this summer. - Rev. J. B. Henderson can boast of the finest two year old colt in the township. - Mr. Anderson Brown, of Bentown, was the guest of Mr. Jones for the last week. - Chas. Means lost a valuable young horse with the lung fever, last week. - We understand that Grant Lewis has given up lyon taming and will devote his time to farming in the future. - Levi Groves says since his advertisement appeared in the News, he has had to do like Cleveland---hire a dray to haul his mail. - Having heard vague rumors that U.M. F. More contemplated going west to grow up with the country, your reporter concluded to interview him personally on the subject so we hied ourselves toward his residence. We found the gentleman in the back yard holding up one end of an imaginary ox yolk in his left hand, while he motioned with his right hand toward an imaginary ox saying Whoa, haw, Come under her Buck. We told him that we represented the gazette and then he procedded to the interview. The interview was short and to the point. He told us very emphatically that the time and place that now knows him will soon know him no more, for some time. He also said that his destination was McCook, Nebraska and that he would start about the first day of May. We then left him feeling that he had the Western Fever bad. The last we saw of him as we glanced back, he had his imaginary oxen hitched up and was meandering back and forth across the yard going through the motion of breaking prairie. FROM THE TOWN OF DELANA - Glenner, your correspondent from west, must be a greener of gum boots, as it takes so much of his time picking up gum boots and old worn out (?) that it seems as though he could not spare a few of his valuable moments of evenings to write a few items for your appreciated News. - Most farmers are done sowing oats and an unusual amount have been sown in this township. - Wm. Gearheart, of Lamar, MO., is here visiting for a short time. - W. Booth has bought W. Moffit's interest in a two dollar Zulu and spends his spare time hunting ducks reporter-----Uncle Josh. ADS FOR THIS EDITION: NEW CASH GROCERY O.G. ATHERTON Dealer in Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils Putty, Windows, Glass, tooth brushes, nail brushes, Shoe brushes, Choice Perfumes, Hair Oils, Face Powders, Coarse and Fine combs, Scrap books, Writing paper, Inks, Pens, Holders, Stationary, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco's. WALLPAPER A complete line of staple and fancy. WHITE ROSE AND WHITE SILK FLOUR. Better brands are not made. NEW MEAT MARKET MAURICE & NOLL RESTAURANT WM. GREENMAN, PROPRIETOR ELLSWORTH, ILLINOIS Have opened a new restaurant in the post office building and will serve meals at all hours in the best style. J.W. BARNES makes a specialty of PHOTOGRAPHY ARROWSMITH, ILLINOIS
THE ARROWSMITH NEWS - OCTOBER 12, 1923 - Prof. T.W.Dobbs spent the weekend with his wife and family at Loda. - Mrs. Donnie Gottachlak, of Clinton, Iowa came Monday for a visit with her son, Merritt
Hensley, and other relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Scholl and children spent the weekend with relatives in Foosland. - Mr. and Mrs. Lee Genung, of Moline, were visitors at the O.F. Tenger home over Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamilton were called to Elizabeth, IN, the first of the week by the
critical illness of the former's father. - A.L. Johnson and family, of Knoxville, Tenn., has moved into one of Mrs. Smith Bane's
properties in the South part of town and will work for John Baird. - Miss Susie Fenwick of Colfax, and Miss Gayle Hereford, of Saybrook, are assisting Dr.
L.M. Johnson at the hospital this week. - Mrs. Ivan Bane and Daughter LaVerne, and Mrs. Wm. Burke, of Saybrook, submitted
to tonsil operations at the L.M. Johnson Hospital Wednesday. - Mrs. K. Karr, T J Karr and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Quinn, of Shirley, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Florence Karr and family. - Mrs. Lynn Zollars, of Lincoln, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. McCue this week. - Mrs. Elsie Dean Popejoy, of Norfolk, VA is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm Dean. - Mrs. Annette Webber and Miss Lula Webber are visiting relatives in LeRoy.
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